dius 0.1.0
No Matches

This package can be built either directly through CMake or using nix.

Building with CMake


  • Install CMake version 3.21 or later.
  • Install either GCC 14+ or Clang 19+.


  • The di library.

The di library will be found using CMake find_package unless the source is available at the path specified by dius_di_DIRECTORY. By default, that CMake variable is set ./di. When using nix, the library's flake is included automatically.

Consuming via CMake

This project exports a CMake package to be used with the find_package command of CMake:

  • Package name: dius
  • Target name: dius::dius

In general, you can either include find_package(dius REQUIRED) somewhere in your CMake build or call add_subdirectory on the dius source code. When using find_package, it probably makes sense to use fetch content to download the library during the build. When using add_subdirectory, this project can be included as a git submodule. Because CMake is CMake, there's several other ways to make things work, and this library tries to be as flexible as possible so that both of the above methods will succeed.

Afterwards, use the library via target_link_libraries(target PRIVATE dius::dius).

Manual Build Commands

To manual build the library, use the following commands.

cmake -S . -B build -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build

Install Commands

Afterwards, find_package should succeed by using a system installation of the di library.

cmake --install build

Note to packagers

The CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR is set to a path other than just include if the project is configured as a top level project to avoid indirectly including other libraries when installed to a common prefix. Please review the install-rules.cmake file for the full set of install rules.

Building with nix


Consuming via Flake

To consume the library in your flake, add dius as an input:

dius = {
url = "github.com/coletrammer/dius";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

Then include inputs.dius.packages.${system}.default in the buildInputs or your derivation. Assuming your project is using CMake, find_package(dius) will succeed automatically.

This flake provides takes the di library as a flake input, so it can be overridden easily.

Manual Build Commands

Alternatively, use the nix command to build the library manually.

nix build .

To build the dius runtime variable, use:

nix build.#dius-runtime

This outputs the result to ./result.